Hail Caesar
Published by Misha Mazor on January 21st, 2014

The room was about 20 x 15. That lens was probably a 40mm. Maybe a 35mm. The muslin was taped to the wall and then rigged off flag arms on low stands to form one long soft source. I was creating the effect of sunlight bouncing off the floor and furniture so the bounce was always below 4 feet high. I had to adjust the bounce a little for every shot but the lamps were mostly hanging from the square ceiling pipe rig so it was just a matter of adjusting their direction. I did also use lamps on turtles (low on the floor) to add 'hot spots' of light to the bounce at times. I only had two or three lamps rigged to the pipe. The feeds were and the rig was on chain motors so it was easy to rig a lamp when I needed it.
I do like to keep the floor clear when I can and that was the motivation for the pipe rig. However, as I was lighting each shot the size of the muslin bounce ever expanded so that the floor became pretty crowded.